Monday, July 11, 2016

The Roots

     The gardening has been going well.  Since I stopped posting a few years ago I've been practicing what I've learned in the garden a lot more.  However, like Lord of the Rings, getting the whole story sheds abundant light.  In growing up, I quickly learned the more I would try to excel in different aspects of life the more opposition I would face.  By the time I turned 18 I began seeing it as helpful to spend time alone.  I was working at a crowded bar at the time.  Getting away from all the energy was relaxing.
    I am a kind person.  At the time, kindness was not popular in the world.  So I began walking the Thames River, often with a beer.  It was rare to find nature without nicely trimmed grass in the part of the city I lived.  I enjoyed watching the birds and walking till I had no idea where I was.  It became a challenge to find my way home at times.  It was nice and peaceful.  Eventually I ran into this Library that was unlike anything I'd seen before. That was when I realized pursuing peaceful resolutions was rewarding me.  This was the National Archives of U.K.
   That realization helped me get through some college instead of worrying about more temporary things.  I met someone who had just returned from helping out in a foreign country.  We talked about ways natural resources could be used to help feed a lot of people.  A bit down the road I began digging into clay soil and plantings starts in it. I didn't have much success at first, but I slowly and at times quickly learned.  The roots needed softer soil to grow into. Leaves break down into more nitrogen and branches into more carbon. By layering mulch I didn't have to water as often. I started watching videos and reading all about gardening.
   I noticed other people had little interest in my gardening so it became a place I could get away too.  When I'd be frustrated I would work in the garden until I could barely stand.  After about a year of that I was able to find a new path and learn new skills.  I began getting an abundance of food and getting stronger.
   I also began doing yoga more and learning to let energy go without responding.  This eventually allowed me to safely spend time with people from nearly any walk of life.  Though now I'd spent time watching the spiral patterns of life.  I've found happiness, genuine love, and trust while learning about gardening, yoga and making friends in places where I entered knowing no one.
   I feel like even though people have emotional attachment to stuff and/or desires they should still be treated with as much respect as a ladybug, to say the least.  So the past few years I have been back in the garden.  In nature I often see many expressions of beauty.  I'm guessing a lack of natural nutrients in the food supply has a lot to do with current and past health issues than our science understands. However, I love gardening, so of course I'd say that.  Namaste